Group play therapy is similar to individual play therapy in many ways, but is different in that usually between 2 and 4 children spend their play therapy time together with one play therapist. Group play therapy provides children with the opportunity to learn and practice social skills in situations that are very similar to real life social situations.
FAQs page 1
1What is play therapy?
2Does my child need play therapy?
3What toys are in a play room and why?
4Why play therapy?
FAQs page 2
5How can play therapy help my child?
6How long does a child receive play therapy?
7What's the difference between play therapy and playing with my child at home?
FAQs page 3
8How much does play therapy typically cost?
9What is group play therapy?
10Can I watch my child in play therapy?
FAQs page 4
11What is Theraplay?
12What is CPRT?